Las sensaciones tienen múltiples formas pero son representadas con la fluidez de las aves, la sensibilidad es conciencia con múltiples ojos, a través de su vivencia pueden verse múltiples cosas en la perspectiva del tiempo. En la imagen Un masculino toca sus genitales acuden las sensaciones comienza a descubrirse y su rostro transfigura bajo su cubierta su primitivo instinto terreno, proyecta su alarido en dirección de la figura de su deseo. |
Sensations have multiple shapes but in here they are represented as the fluidly of birds, the sensibility is conscious with multiple eyes, through their experience of life they can see multiple things in a different perception of time. In the image a masculine figure touches his gentiles, the sensations begin to be discovered and his face transfigures under his cover. His primitive ground instinct projects his scream in the direction of the figure of his desire. |