Denyse Klette's earliest memory of creating was when she was four and she spent hours copying the drawings out of her sister's 'How To Draw' book, which serendipitously was written by a Disney artist. When she was 8, Denyse announced to her parents that she should quit school and become an artist since that is what she knew she would be. Her parents made her stay in school but she was selling her line drawings by grade five so she could have "donut and butter tart" money and by 16 she had her first cartoon strip published in two local newspapers.
Although she smiles at her childhood memories, Denyse was serious about her art at that early of an age and has never wavered from this career choice going on 45 years. She also never did return the book to her sister and it sits proudly amongst her vast collection of Disney art books.
After moving to Toronto with her husband and young family she started working with her first mentor. Together they started a mural company and for five years they painted side-by-side. To this day, Denyse claims that she received the best education from working every day, one-on-one with a master of colour theory. It helped to lay down the foundation that she has continued to build over many decades.
When Denyse and her family moved back to the prairies, the City of Saskatoon commissioned her to complete a 12' tall, 30' long mural.
For 25 years this colourful piece of art, featuring smiling children at the top of the Broadway Bridge, had welcomed visitors into the artsy shopping area.
One idea that had been simmering in her brain for a long time was that of the Princess and the Pea... but with a twist. She envisioned her Princesses, from all different countries, asleep on piles of bedding not bothered at all by the 'pea' hiding under the mattresses. This series takes the collector to so many different exotic locations.
Though Denyse is absolutely devoted to painting, her creative heart is always wanting to learn more. She was fortunate to meet artist and sculptor Jacinthe Dugal-Lacrioux in Maimi. Together they made plans that when Jacinthe was passing through Saskatchewan she would stop and teach Denyse some of the technical elements of sculpting a bronze. After two weeks Denyse shipped her first bronze to the foundry. A whole new world was opened up to her. She quickly started working on this new dimension of art that would be featured at the different galleries and for her collectors to acquire.
Although she smiles at her childhood memories, Denyse was serious about her art at that early of an age and has never wavered from this career choice going on 45 years. She also never did return the book to her sister and it sits proudly amongst her vast collection of Disney art books.
After moving to Toronto with her husband and young family she started working with her first mentor. Together they started a mural company and for five years they painted side-by-side. To this day, Denyse claims that she received the best education from working every day, one-on-one with a master of colour theory. It helped to lay down the foundation that she has continued to build over many decades.
When Denyse and her family moved back to the prairies, the City of Saskatoon commissioned her to complete a 12' tall, 30' long mural.
For 25 years this colourful piece of art, featuring smiling children at the top of the Broadway Bridge, had welcomed visitors into the artsy shopping area.
One idea that had been simmering in her brain for a long time was that of the Princess and the Pea... but with a twist. She envisioned her Princesses, from all different countries, asleep on piles of bedding not bothered at all by the 'pea' hiding under the mattresses. This series takes the collector to so many different exotic locations.
Though Denyse is absolutely devoted to painting, her creative heart is always wanting to learn more. She was fortunate to meet artist and sculptor Jacinthe Dugal-Lacrioux in Maimi. Together they made plans that when Jacinthe was passing through Saskatchewan she would stop and teach Denyse some of the technical elements of sculpting a bronze. After two weeks Denyse shipped her first bronze to the foundry. A whole new world was opened up to her. She quickly started working on this new dimension of art that would be featured at the different galleries and for her collectors to acquire.